THE EVENTS 15/11/40
The Battle of Britain now over and the blitz just starting to take effect the skies over Britain were still full of enemy aircraft, by day and night. Otto Jaros's aircraft had a 250lb bomb strapped under its belly ready to do damage on the ground as well as protecting the bombers from fighter attack. as they neared London the RAF fighters had already been scrambled to intercept the incoming raiders, as they pressed home their attack the 109's let the bombs go so they could now become fighters once again, Otto's aircraft was hit and he decided to head for home but the engine started to run very rough and the temps and pressures rising it was time to leave the aircraft. As he started to bale out he was attached by the RAF fighters once more, he rolled the 109 on to its back and fell from the cockpit into a near empty sky, he then watched as his 109 crashed into the ground , well he had survived that then his thoughts turned to what may happen when he lands in enemy territory.
Otto Jaros landed in the garden of a house called 'SAN JOY', in Rothing Road, Laindon, Essex. As he came down a nervous member of the Home Guard took a shot at him but missed, Otto Jaros was arrested and taken to the local Police Station to be handed over to the military.
The excavation of this Bf109 took place on 29th September 1985, the aircraft had initially been investigated and dug in 1973, with major components fount at that time, this revisit was to locate some parts that should be there just not found on that day in 1973, The fuel tank, fuel pump, seat runners, heel plates and complete control grip were found on the 2nd excavation
The excavation 29th September 1985
Roger Pickett with the control grip
Fuel tank comes to light